My Husband Refuses to Help with the Chores or Take Care of Our 4 Kids, So One Night I Taught Him a Lesson.

A woman took to Reddit to find out if she had gone too far when she left her husband and their four kids home alone for the weekend without warning. Internet users quickly weighed in.

A 24-year-old woman, trying to keep up with the energy and demands of two sets of twins. She had five-year-old boys and three-year-old girls and shared a story where she felt she might have crossed the line. She explained that she spent all day at home caring for her kids and meeting their needs, all while juggling the responsibilities of a remote job.

Her 27-year-old husband often complained that she didn’t keep the house clean enough and sometimes resorted to making frozen dinners instead of cooking from scratch. He believed that since she was home all day and her job was “easier” than his physically demanding one, she should do more around the house.

The rare breaks her husband had from work were spent either sleeping or socializing, leaving her to handle the house, laundry, dishes, and the endless needs of their children on her own. Her attempts to find balance and recharge with friends were met with resistance. This all culminated in a heated argument between the couple, during which her husband still insisted she take care of the kids.

In a moment of desperation and defiance, she left a note on her husband’s phone after he went to bed, telling him she was going out with friends. When he found the note, he called her, yelling about her behavior. Her friends overheard the exchange and convinced her to hang up and mute her phone.

What was meant to be a short break turned into a weekend getaway with friends. However, when she returned home, she was greeted by chaos. Trash was strewn everywhere, piles of laundry were scattered throughout the house, and she described a terrible stench emanating from her home.

Her husband had already packed a suitcase and barely spoke to her before leaving again. He sent her a message saying he would be staying at his mother’s house. With him gone, the woman felt guilty, realizing her husband wasn’t prepared to care for the kids on his own. She admitted she didn’t want to ruin the relationship.

Many people commented on her post, saying she hadn’t done anything wrong, except that she should have ensured someone was there to look after the kids, given that her husband was incapable.

One commenter told her she might ruin the relationship because her husband didn’t care about her or their children. Others pointed out that he was treating her like a servant.

Another woman shared her own experience of being in a relationship for years with a man who behaved exactly like the husband in the story. She warned that men like that don’t change and encouraged the woman to leave the relationship as soon as possible. She added that even if the woman could tolerate her husband’s mistreatment, she shouldn’t allow her children to grow up in that environment.

Many commenters offered advice on what she should do next, including legal steps to secure her and her children’s future if she decided to leave her husband. Some even shared tips on handling potential resistance from him during legal proceedings.

Do you think the woman was right to leave her husband home alone with the kids? What would you have done in her situation?

While this woman’s husband avoided spending time with her and their kids, another man excluded his wife only when he wanted family time. Read the full story here.