My Father Abandoned Me When I Was a Child, and I Took Revenge on Him – Story of the Day

Amanda’s father abandoned their family when she was just a child. Throughout her life, she harbored resentment for his absence, but her anger flared when she saw a photo of him with his new fiancée. Determined to confront him, Amanda devised a plan for revenge. What would she do to teach her father a lesson?

An Old Wound

After a long day at work, Amanda returned to the modest house where she had grown up. The home was filled with memories of her childhood and the loving presence of her late mother. After years in foster care, Amanda had managed to reclaim the house, a tangible link to her past.

While preparing a cup of tea, Amanda picked up the newspaper left at her door. As she unfolded it in the kitchen, her eyes were immediately drawn to something unexpected: a photo of her father, Robert, with his young fiancée, Carla. It was the announcement of their upcoming wedding.

Resentment and a Plan

The sight of Robert in the photo reignited the pain of his abandonment. He had promised to stand by his wife and daughter but vanished when her mother became ill. Amanda touched the silver earring in her ear—a precious gift from her mother—and, with her hurt resurfacing, decided to confront him.

The next day, Amanda went to her father’s house, a luxurious property that starkly contrasted with the humble conditions she and her mother had endured. Seeing him leave the house with Carla, Amanda turned away, unable to bear the sight.

After they both drove away, Amanda noticed an open window on the second floor of the house and climbed in. In her father’s bedroom, she carefully placed one of her earrings on the bed—a small item with a big purpose: to sow doubt and create discord.

The Confrontation

Later, Amanda rang the doorbell at Robert’s house. When Carla answered, Amanda pretended to be someone else.

“Are you his maid?” Amanda asked with a feigned look of confusion.

“No, I’m his fiancée,” Carla replied, proudly showing her engagement ring.

“Oh, really? That scoundrel! He told me I was the only one in his life!” Amanda exclaimed, feigning outrage.

Confused, Carla called Robert. He denied knowing Amanda, but she persisted: “Oh, but you knew me very well a few hours ago, didn’t you?”

Now furious, Carla allowed Amanda inside to search for her supposed earring. When Amanda found it on the bed, Carla was horrified.

“You’re a cheater, Robert! How did this earring end up in our bed?”

Despite Robert’s denials, Carla decided to call off the wedding and left, leaving Amanda with a sense of satisfaction.

Reflection and Forgiveness

Days later, Amanda overheard at work that Robert and Carla had gone through with their extravagant wedding. This news devastated her. Her mother’s words echoed in her mind: “Sometimes, forgiveness is the only way to move forward.”

Amanda realized her revenge hadn’t brought her the peace she sought. Driven by curiosity instead of anger, she decided to confront her father again, this time with honesty.

When Robert saw her at his door, he recognized his daughter. Tears filled Amanda’s eyes as she asked:

“Why did you leave? Why did you abandon Mom and me?”

Robert admitted his mistakes, speaking about the shame and regret that had kept him from returning. Amanda listened, feeling like she was finally beginning to understand.

Rebuilding Bonds

The honest conversation brought relief to them both. Amanda decided to forgive her father—not to erase the past but to free herself from the weight of resentment.

“Thank you for giving me a chance,” Robert said emotionally, holding his daughter’s hand.

From that day forward, they began to rebuild their relationship, accepting that while the past couldn’t be changed, the future was still unwritten.

Moral of the Story: Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it frees the heart to build a new future. Share this story with your friends!